Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All.
Road Map for Revolutionaries
As marches, protests, and boycotts return to the forefront of our cultural conversation, everyday people look for new ways to take action and make their voices heard. Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism and Advocacy for All is a direct, snappy guidebook to effective day-to-day activism and advocacy at all levels, providing a one-stop shop for everything you need to affect change at all levels of society and government. Checklists, interviews, case studies, and infographics convey practical tactics for navigating and protecting your democracy in today’s gridlocked, heavily surveilled, and politically volatile landscape. Author team presented at SXSW, BlogHer, and Commonwealth Club.
Deliverables: Series Creator/Co-Author/Art Director: Carolyn Gerin. Cover, chapter openers and infographics.